Deen Articles

Discover the beauty of Islam through the essence of faith and its practices, and enrich your spiritual journey with our collection of Deen articles.

Which Surah in The Quran is The Easiest to Memorise?

Which Surah in The Quran is The Easiest to Memorise?

In the Noble Quran, there are a total of 114 surahs, and each surah shines like a precious gem, offering guidance, solace, and spiritual nourishment to the faithful. Yet, not all surahs are created equal when it comes to memorising them. Some, like Surah Al-Fatihah,...

Do You Comprehend the Words in Your Daily Prayers?

Do You Comprehend the Words in Your Daily Prayers?

Amidst the noise of our worldly concerns, there exists a sanctuary—a sacred space where our souls find peace and connect with the Almighty. This sanctuary is none other than the profound realm of Islamic prayer, where every whispered word holds a deep meaning of...

A Guide to Overcoming Sin and Embracing Allah’s Mercy

A Guide to Overcoming Sin and Embracing Allah’s Mercy

As human beings, we tend to commit sins because we are not perfect. Due to these shortcomings, we tend to fall short in performing our religious obligations or duties in our own ways.  Some may have habitual sins, while others engage in major ones. As a whole, none of...

Duas For The Last 10 Days Of Ramadan

Duas For The Last 10 Days Of Ramadan

As the final days of Ramadan unfold, Muslims around the world immerse themselves in worship, seeking the boundless blessings and mercy of Allah SWT. Among the most profound acts of devotion during this sacred time are the heartfelt Duas (supplications) offered with...

The Excellence of Tarawih Prayer and Its Spiritual Benefits

The Excellence of Tarawih Prayer and Its Spiritual Benefits

The term "Tarawih" is the plural form of "Tarwihah," which linguistically means resting or taking a break. According to Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), Tarawih prayer is a confirmed Sunnah prayer performed specifically during the nights of Ramadan. During the time of...

Fulfil Your Zakat Obligations with PERTAPIS

Fulfil Your Zakat Obligations with PERTAPIS

Editor's Note: This article pertains specifically to Singaporean readers.In this blessed month of Ramadan, our hearts are filled with gratitude and reflection. This sacred time beckons us to deepen our connection with Allah SWT and extend our hands in acts of kindness...

How To Deepen Your Connection with the Quran

How To Deepen Your Connection with the Quran

As Ramadan enters its midway point, we find ourselves drawing closer to a significant occasion. This pivotal event refers to the occasion when the Quran, the holy book of Islam, was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by Jibreel (AS). This momentous event took place...

8 Ramadan Blessings All Muslims Should Know About

8 Ramadan Blessings All Muslims Should Know About

As the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Ramadan holds a special place in the hearts of believers, serving as a testament to faith, discipline, and communal solidarity. It represents a time of profound significance, marking the period during which the Quran,...

3 Inspirational Female Figures from Islamic History

3 Inspirational Female Figures from Islamic History

Journey into the captivating world of women's empowerment, where stories of strength and resilience unfold on Qalbox. From tales of triumph to narratives of perseverance, explore a diverse array of videos that celebrate the indomitable spirit of women on Qalbox...

The Virtues of Makkah: Understanding Islam’s Holiest City

The Virtues of Makkah: Understanding Islam’s Holiest City

In the name of Allah, all praise is due to the Lord of all worlds. Salutations and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, born in Mecca, his family, companions, and all who follow in His footsteps. Allah, the Almighty, has made Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the most noble of...