Developing a Sense of Gratitude Towards Allah for the Gift of Knowledge

by 13 April 20240 comments

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Surah Ar-Rahman, meaning “The Most Gracious,” is a profound chapter of the Quran that reflects deeply on the mercy, blessings, and greatness of Allah. Each verse of this surah resonates with the theme of gratitude, reminding us of Allah’s countless favors upon us as His creation.

Allah s.w.t. mentions in the Quran: 

Surah Ar-Rahman Verse 1-4

Surah Ar-Rahman beautifully illuminates the signs of divine mercy. From the vast expanse of the skies to the intricate details of the earth, from the radiant sun and moon to the rhythmic dance of land and sea, every element bears the mark of the Most Merciful craftsmanship. Within the cosmic tapestry lie galaxies teeming with stars, planets, flora, and fauna, each a testament to the boundless creativity of the Creator.

Remarkably, amidst this grandeur, humanity holds a special place. Not only are we mentioned prominently in the opening verses of this Surah, but we are also endowed with a remarkable gift – the gift of al-Bayan. Scholars of tafsir explain that al-Bayan encompasses the capacity to think, learn, and teach. It is the faculty that enables us to grasp and articulate logic, to engage in profound contemplation and discourse.

Despite our physical limitations compared to other creatures and celestial bodies, it is this faculty of reason that elevates us. While the sun, moon, and stars shine brilliantly, they lack the ability to ponder, to innovate, to create civilizations and cultivate culture. Indeed, it is through the gift of al-Bayan that humanity emerges as the pinnacle of creation, endowed with the potential to manifest divine wisdom and purpose in our lives.

Which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? 

Surah Ar-Rahman Verse 13

Gratitude to Allah, the Most Merciful, can be manifested in four essential ways:

Firstly, we express our thanks by worshiping Allah with humility, acknowledging our complete dependence on Him. Let us not allow arrogance to taint our knowledge and skills. 

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ once reminded us the importance of cleansing our hearts from arrogance. The Prophet ﷺ said: “One will not enter Paradise with the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart” (Hadith Narrated by Imam Tabrani). 

Secondly, gratitude involves maximizing the use of the precious gift of intelligence (al-Bayan) bestowed upon us. Just as receiving a cherished gift demands its use, we should actively employ the intellect granted by Allah.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “O people, knowledge only comes by learning, and understanding only comes by seeking understanding. For whoever Allah wills goodness, He grants him understanding of the religion. Verily, only those with knowledge fear Allah among His servants.” (35:28) (Hadith Narrated by Imam Tabrani). 

Thirdly, optimizing our intellect entails a lifelong commitment to learning and skill acquisition. Regardless of circumstances, the opportunity to expand our knowledge and improve our lives persists. Let us not permit challenges to deter us; instead, let them motivate us to strive for growth. 

Fourthly, expressing gratitude involves sharing knowledge and extending assistance to those in need, once we have acquired expertise. Fostering a spirit of generosity and sharing is integral to al-Bayan; it allows others to benefit from our insights. Even seemingly small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those we help. Let us not underestimate the significance of our charitable deeds.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ once said: “Do not disdain a good deed, (no matter how small it may seem) even if it is meeting your (Muslim) brother with a cheerful face.” (Hadith Narrated by Imam Muslim).

Let us collectively cherish the invaluable gift of al-Bayan by fully harnessing its potential. Through ongoing learning and generous sharing, let us enrich the lives of those in our community. May these endeavors serve as genuine expressions of gratitude to Allah, recognizing His blessings and marveling at His magnificence. May we be shielded from the blindness of those who overlook the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, the Most Merciful.

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About The Author

Ustaz Abdul Hakim Ya'akob

Ustaz Abdul Hakim Ya'akob serves as the Content Moderation Manager within Muslim Pro & Qalbox's Trust & Safety department. With a passion for fostering a safe and enriching online environment, he brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his role. Ustaz Abdul Hakim is committed to ensuring that Muslim Pro & Qalbox remains a trusted platform for users worldwide.


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