Common Mistakes Committed During Umrah and Hajj

Although the pilgrims have been trained with manasik (rituals) long before the time of pilgrimage arrives, sometimes common mistakes occurred when carrying out the Hajj and Umrah. 

Preparation for Performing the Hajj Pilgrimage

Performing Hajj is a significant obligation for every Muslim, and it is crucial to prepare adequately in various aspects to fulfil this worship in the best possible way.

Hajj Journey: Practicing the Hajj Smile 

I decided to practice the ‘Hajj Smile’ from day one. No matter what happened during our Hajj journey, the Hajj smile would always stay on our faces.

How to Achieve Hajj Mabroor?

As a faithful Muslim, naturally we would have the desire to fulfill all the pillars of Islam. Including the 5th pillar of Islam, performing the obligations of pilgrimage (Hajj) worship for people who have been able to fulfill all the requirements. There are various...

7 ways to excite your children about Hajj

7 ways to get your children excited and learn about Hajj. Learning about Qurban and Eid Al Adha, Documentaries, roleplay, activities, and Talbiyah.

Am I Muslim Enough?

Am I Muslim Enough?

As a Muslim, have you ever felt the following: There just seems to be not enough time although everyone has the same 24 hours or 1440 minutes, in a day? Demands of life cause loads of stress for us all. We are always pulled in all directions. From educational...

Healthy Habits Of Contemporary Global Muslims

Healthy Habits Of Contemporary Global Muslims

Demands of the contemporary world just keep on compounding. In schools we were taught subjects encompassing various matters from understanding and applying grammatical rules in our writing and speech, solving a particular mathematical problem, the significance of the...

History of The Day of Ashura

History of The Day of Ashura

The word of ‘Ashura’ is a familiar term for us as a Muslim. The day of Ashura is a special historical day. This is mainly because the day of Ashura is in the month of Muharram that is included in the four sacred months which are often referred as the month of Allah...

Our Destiny: Ruminating Revelatory Days Ahead

Our Destiny: Ruminating Revelatory Days Ahead

Are you a Taurus or an Aries? All these years, have you often heard those around you typecasting your amazing personality and reducing your complex nuanced being to simply being obstinate? Or, were you born in the year of the rat? Which would explain why some of your...

1444 Hijri: Renewed Intentions in Muharram

1444 Hijri: Renewed Intentions in Muharram

Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar and holds a high amount of important events in Islamic history. Muharram is also one of the four holy months, along with the Dhul Qa’da, Dhul Hijja and Rajab. These months were in the pre-Islamic era (al jâhiliya),...

Eco-Heroes: We Are Our Only Hope

Eco-Heroes: We Are Our Only Hope

Under the scorching heat, people of Jacobabad, Pakistan, have to contend with temperatures surpassing 40°C (104°F). It is not an excerpt taken from a science fiction novel that is based on our lived realities peppered with exaggerations and amplified figments of...

Sunnah Acts in the Month of Dhulhijjah

Sunnah Acts in the Month of Dhulhijjah

The month of Dhulhijjah, when Muslims perform the Hajj, is one of the holy months. This month contains ten days that are specifically mentioned in the Quran. Allah said: “By the dawn, and the ten nights.” [Al Fajr: 1-2] Ibn ‘Abbas stated that the night was the tenth...
