Muslim Pro Contributor

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Articles Written by Muslim Pro Contributor

Preparation for Performing the Hajj Pilgrimage

Preparation for Performing the Hajj Pilgrimage

All praise is due to Allah, the Creator of all things. He has granted the inhabitants of the world permission to continue enjoying worship after worship, which is the main purpose for which we were created. The Hajj pilgrimage is a religious obligation that occurs...

The Gentleness of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The Gentleness of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Bismillah, praise to Allah SWT, Who sent the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to serve as a leader and guide to the human race. We should be grateful for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ arrival and his messages. His character traits and morals ought to serve as constant examples throughout...

The Beauty of Religious Tolerance in Islam

The Beauty of Religious Tolerance in Islam

As it is known in Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13, Allah SWT created humans into nations and tribes. Therefore we as humans should live in respect and appreciate each other –both with fellow Muslims and non-Muslims– in order to create religious harmony. That’s the beauty of...

How Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Taught the World the True Value of  Women

How Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Taught the World the True Value of Women

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious. Praise and thanks be to Allah, Who sent Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the bearer of mercy for everyone. Salutations and blessings to him, his family, and his friends. In the age of jahiliyyah -before Prophet Muhammad...

Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Young and Devoted Companions

Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Young and Devoted Companions

Throughout his noble life, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had a very special place for the youth in his heart. From the children of his family to the youth of the community, all were able to experience the warmth of his presence and love. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ knew very well the...

Emulating The Prophet’s Way of Treating the Elderly

Emulating The Prophet’s Way of Treating the Elderly

Age is the duration of a person’s life journey. The older a person is, the more wisdom and experience they possess. Likewise, the energy fluctuates from weak to strong to weak again. Since there is a range of ages among humans at any given time, we must also...

The Prophet’s Teachings: The Art of Honoring Others

The Prophet’s Teachings: The Art of Honoring Others

It is very well known to all of us that the Prophet ﷺ has a very noble character and deserves to be a model for us. This is also stated in the Surah Al-Qalam verse 4:  وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ ٤ And you are truly ˹a man˺ of outstanding character. [Al-Qalam...

The Value of Women in Islam

The Value of Women in Islam

The man and the woman are the two components of humanity. Both have the same goal in life: to satisfy Allah, to worship Him, to obey Him in order to get closer to Him and to be among the winners on the day of judgment. Both are responsible for their actions and will...

New Beginnings: For the Mind, Body and Soul

New Beginnings: For the Mind, Body and Soul

A few weeks ago, as Muharram and the Islamic new year started, I took time for myself and decided it was the perfect opportunity to reset. This past year has been intense. Going through the cancer battle, the passing away of my dad (Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un)...

How I Relate to Ibn Battuta’s Travels

How I Relate to Ibn Battuta’s Travels

Being a Representation of Islam  When we talk about avid travellers and adventurers in today’s terms, our mind mostly goes to social influencers, celebrities, friends, and family. However, personally, I always feel that Ibn Battuta was indeed a great adventurer....

History of The Day of Ashura

History of The Day of Ashura

The word of ‘Ashura’ is a familiar term for us as a Muslim. The day of Ashura is a special historical day. This is mainly because the day of Ashura is in the month of Muharram that is included in the four sacred months which are often referred as the month of Allah...

Sunnah Acts in the Month of Dhulhijjah

Sunnah Acts in the Month of Dhulhijjah

The month of Dhulhijjah, when Muslims perform the Hajj, is one of the holy months. This month contains ten days that are specifically mentioned in the Quran. Allah said: “By the dawn, and the ten nights.” [Al Fajr: 1-2] Ibn ‘Abbas stated that the night was the tenth...

The History of Safa Marwa

The History of Safa Marwa

The race between the Safa and Marwah mountains is part of the obligatory rites of the great pilgrimage (al hajj) and the small pilgrimage (al ‘umra). اِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِنْ شَعَاۤىِٕرِ اللّٰهِ ۚ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ اَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ...

How to Achieve Hajj Mabroor?

How to Achieve Hajj Mabroor?

As a faithful Muslim, naturally we would have the desire to fulfill all the pillars of Islam. Including the 5th pillar of Islam, performing the obligations of pilgrimage (Hajj) worship for people who have been able to fulfill all the requirements. There are various...

The Prophet’s ﷺ Way to Deal with Hardship

The Prophet’s ﷺ Way to Deal with Hardship

From every perspective, the Prophet ﷺ is the best role model to follow. He has received Divine revelation, and Allah has acknowledged him in His book about the Prophet ﷺ uswatun hasanah. As an apostle who was sent to correct a society that had strayed far from the...

Life Lessons You Can Learn from the Hardships

Life Lessons You Can Learn from the Hardships

We believe that hardships and struggles build character, make us stronger and allow us to grow in all aspects of our lives. Learning to control our thoughts and emotions will help us understand ourselves better and be at peace with who we are. To alleviate hardship,...

The Virtues of Shaban and Recommended Acts of Worship

The Virtues of Shaban and Recommended Acts of Worship

Shaban comes before Ramadan, the important month in which we fast as part of the five pillars of Islam, hence Shaban should be taken as a month of preparation. One of the sunnah of Allah is that a human being does not go from one state to another without preparation,...

5 Books on Women Empowerment

5 Books on Women Empowerment

We learn about the stories of the amazing women around our Prophet ﷺ; our foremothers in Islam, who were the pioneers in championing women empowerment. We find inspiration in stories and it is encouraging to see a rise in contemporary works that touch on empowering...

Ramadan Preparation: Removing Sins in Rajab

Ramadan Preparation: Removing Sins in Rajab

Unbelievably, time has passed and we are already entering the month of Rajab. As we all know, Rajab itself is a very special month in Islam alongside Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, and Muharram. In Rajab, we prepare ourselves to welcome the month of Ramadan. And in preparation...

5 Reasons to Make Reflections a Daily Habit

5 Reasons to Make Reflections a Daily Habit

The end and early of the year are the best times to reassess the things we have done throughout the year and learn from them. There are a few things to make us self-reflecting Muslims in life.   Regretting the Sins That We Have Committed Man is a creature who has...

Do We Love Others Like Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Do We Love Others Like Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

If we asked about a person whose character and morality are exemplary for all of us, perhaps Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would be the first name to come to mind. Apart from being known as an honest and trustworthy person from a young age, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was also known as a...

Purposeful Reflections That Bring Us Closer to Allah

Purposeful Reflections That Bring Us Closer to Allah

Getting closer to Allah SWT is such a beautiful thing to do as Allah loves the servant who strives to draw closer to Him. There are numerous ways to do so. One of them is by doing purposeful reflections because thinking, reasoning and reflecting are paths that can...

Emulating Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Best Traits

Emulating Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Best Traits

Emulating Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Best Traits During the time of Jahiliyyah, people’s livelihood was full of tyranny, injustice and low morality. At that time, the practice of usury, liquor, gambling, drunkenness, debauchery and hedonism were common and normal in the...

Self-Reflection: An Introduction

Self-Reflection: An Introduction

Do you remember your days and moments in 2021 or did they go by in a blur? We are living in a time where the pandemic is now endemic, and we are struggling to keep up with the implications of this shift. What does it mean for our well-being, our relationships, our...

5 Greatest Miracles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

5 Greatest Miracles of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Whenever we hear the word miracle, surely immediately we will think of something that is beyond our understanding as a human being. On the other hand, nothing is impossible with the will of Allah. Similarly, there are various miracles performed by our beloved prophet,...

The Sweetness of My Middle Eastern Vegan Kitchen

The Sweetness of My Middle Eastern Vegan Kitchen

The dish is famous in kitchens across the Middle East. My mother taught it to me, and tonight I am preparing it for my family. Taze Fasulye—fresh bean casserole—has proven to be a rich, nourishing comfort food amid duress over the past year. But in my kitchen, the...

5 Moments Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Showed Empathy to Non-Muslims

5 Moments Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Showed Empathy to Non-Muslims

Islam’s teachings of kindness were never restricted to Muslims. Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ many commandments encouraged good treatment of people, regardless of their religion, and can be applied to both Muslims and non-Muslims. It is also affirmed in Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ...

Giving Charity: 5 Reasons Islam Encourages It

Giving Charity: 5 Reasons Islam Encourages It

The act of charity is deemed to be one of the most favourable acts and highly encouraged in Islam. Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ mentioned time and time again in the Quran that the act of charity is great, and should be performed on a regular basis.  All of those...