Omar: The Man whose Heart was Moved by the Quran

by 25 August 20230 comments

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Omar ibn Khattab, the resolute and courageous leader of the Muslim community, emerged as the second caliph succeeding Abu Bakr r.a. Delve into the compelling narrative of how the Quran transformed this formidable figure, revealing a profound journey of faith and devotion, through the show Greats of Islam: Omar ibn Al Khattab.

Omar was born 13 years younger than Prophet Muhammad. Unlike Abu Bakr who immediately embraced Islam when revelation was first sent to Rasulullah, Omar was initially a fervent advocate and defender of the Quraish.

This is the very same man who was furious that the Prophet was gaining followers and he wanted to end the spread of Islam, and defend the Quraish and their way of life. Yet, when he heard the Quran recited in his sister’s home, his heart softened and he asked to be shown the words of Allah.

As a man who could read and write, it dawned upon Omar that those words are divine revelation. With the realization, he marched towards Darul Arqam and embraced Islam- fulfilling the dua of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Allah, strengthen Islam with one of two men whom you love more: Abu Jahl or Umar ibn al-Khattab.” Ibn Umar said, “The most beloved of the two was Umar.” – Narrated by Imam Tirmidhi

In Greats of Islam: Omar ibn Al Khattab, it was shared that Omar was the 41st person to embrace Islam.

Omar Thumbnail Large Omar: The Man whose Heart was Moved by the Quran

His presence indeed uplifted the ummah. He was pious and brave. His relationship with Prophet Muhammad further strengthened when his daughter. Hafsa, married the Prophet s.a.w.

Under his leadership, Islam flourished. The Islamic Hijri calendar was created during his rule, and he established the office of the judge (qadi).

There is a hadith in which the Prophet s.a.w ended the hadith by telling Omar that, “Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours.”

Why learn about companions?

Understanding the companions’ stories holds profound importance alongside the teachings of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. These narratives not only deepen our love for the Prophet, but also illuminate the path to piety and inspire us to follow Allah’s commands through Rasulullah s.a.w.’s guidance.

How do we learn to love the Prophet? It is seeing and modeling the actions of the sahabah.

Deepening our understanding of the sahabah, like Omar ibn Khattab, provides a pathway to nurturing our love for the Prophet s.a.w. By emulating their exemplary conduct, we draw closer to our faith and learn valuable lessons for our lives.

Shows like Greats of Islam make it easier for us to be drawn into their compelling narratives in an engaging audio-visual experience.

Three ways we can be like Omar

1)    Embracing the Quran’s teachings

pexels alena darmel 8164742 1 Omar: The Man whose Heart was Moved by the Quran

Embracing the Quran’s teachings (Photo: Pexels/Alena Darmel)

Spend time not just reciting and listening to the Quran, but delving in its meanings and lessons from the Quran. Indeed, it is our guide and our compass in today’s busy world. His deep love for the Quran also meant he was extremely humble, despite being the amirul mukminin. 

2)    Seeking knowledge

Knowledge is presented in many different forms and easily accessed these days. Shows like Greats of Islam, available on Qalbox, offer an easy way to fill our time with valuable content that helps us to increase our knowledge.

3)    Nurturing unwavering faith

Hopefully, the show will inspire you to embark on your own spiritual journey and to strengthen your deen. As you learn from the story of Omar ibn Khattab, you’ll find inspiration and guidance that resonate through the ages. His journey, ignited by the Quran, serves as a testament to the enduring power of faith and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Watch Greats of Islam: Omar ibn Al Khattab on Qalbox!


Written by Suryani Omar


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About The Author

Suryani Omar

This article was written by Suryani Omar. With a passion for community and education, Suryani is currently the founder of Deen Hubb, a boutique Islamic bookstore based in the United States.


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