Discover the beauty of the Quran with Darul Tafsir Al-Khair! As a centre of Islamic Education and Research based in Singapore, we are committed to producing easy-to-understand contemporary Quranic Exegesis content for all ages. Through collaborations with international media outlets and institutions, we strive to spread knowledge and understanding of the quran worldwide.

Articles Written by Al-Khair Mosque

Overcoming Despair Through Allah’s Forgiveness

Overcoming Despair Through Allah’s Forgiveness

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said in a hadith narrated by At-Tabarani, that among the greatest sins after shirk (ascribing a partner to Allah) is:  Feeling despaired of Allah’s mercy. [Hadith Narrated by Imam At-Tabarani]  Therefore, we should never have the slightest...

5 Ways To Seek Forgiveness in Islam

5 Ways To Seek Forgiveness in Islam

We are aware that those who perform an evil deed, they will face consequences and be punished, be it in this world or the hereafter.  However, Allah has provided various avenues for us to attain salvation and seek forgiveness.  Here are five ways in which one can seek...

Are You Fully Trusting in Allah’s Infinite Mercy and Grace?

Are You Fully Trusting in Allah’s Infinite Mercy and Grace?

In life,  there will be times when we fail, succumb to our desires and go against the commands of Allah. Nevertheless, we must not lose hope in the mercy of Allah even as we repeatedly find ourselves committing mistakes. Instead, we should acknowledge our weaknesses...

A Guide to Overcoming Sin and Embracing Allah’s Mercy

A Guide to Overcoming Sin and Embracing Allah’s Mercy

As human beings, we tend to commit sins because we are not perfect. Due to these shortcomings, we tend to fall short in performing our religious obligations or duties in our own ways.  Some may have habitual sins, while others engage in major ones. As a whole, none of...